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AntiCutAndPaste samples

Microsoft Platform SDK Samples (available here)
AntiCutAndPaste report: 330K
Examined 10264 files in 1235 folders. 7436 files excluded.
904470 lines processed in 2828 files. Found 5576 similar fragments.
Time spent 10 seconds. Base directory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Samples\".
Found 154 similar fragments up to 11 lines long in the following file(s):
netds\WinSock\Dt_Dll\Handlers.Cpp, line(s) 330 353 376 397 420 443 466...
0001 IN va_list vl,
0002 IN OUT LPVOID ReturnValue,
0003 IN LPSTR LibraryName,
0004 OUT char *Buffer,
...3 lines skipped...
0008 {
0009 SOCKET *RetVal = (SOCKET *)ReturnValue;
0010 SOCKET *s = va_arg(vl, SOCKET *);
0011 struct sockaddr FAR **addr = va_arg(vl, struct sockaddr FAR **);

Apache httpd-2.0.48 (available here)
AntiCutAndPaste report: 58K
Examined 2920 files in 228 folders. 2241 files excluded.
276751 lines processed in 679 files. Found 864 similar fragments.
Time spent 3 seconds. Base directory "C:\acnp_Samples\apache\httpd-2.0.48\".
Found 3 similar fragments up to 127 lines long in the following file(s):
server\mpm\experimental\leader\leader.c, line(s) 561
server\mpm\experimental\perchild\perchild.c, line(s) 415
server\mpm\prefork\prefork.c, line(s) 414
0001 }
0003 static void set_signals(void)
0004 {
...119 lines skipped...
0124 /* XXX this is really a bad confusing obsolete name
0125 * maybe it should be ap_mpm_process_exiting?
0126 */
0127 {

JEDI Visual Component Library (JVCL) (available here)
AntiCutAndPaste report: 35K
Examined 749 files in 135 folders. 270 files excluded.
246117 lines processed in 479 files. Found 594 similar fragments.
Time spent 3 seconds. Base directory "C:\jvcl\".
Found 8 similar fragments up to 29 lines long in the following file(s):
examples\Diagram3DependencyWalker\JclParseUses.pas, line(s) 269 332 384...
0001 SkipCommentsAndBlanks(P);
0003 if PeekKeyword(P, 'in') then
0004 begin
...21 lines skipped...
0026 raise EUsesListError.Create(SInvalidUses);
0027 end;
0028 end;
0029 end;