Number of lines/words that must match
Program will ignore similar fragments if they are
shorter than specified number of lines (or words).
Default value is 8. Minimal value is 4, maximal value is 64.
Exclude same name files
When this checkbox is checked, the program will exclude search files
with the same name as already processed files that are located in
different subdirectories. Default state is checked.
Report style
Compiler style. Looks like C compiler warning list - one self-contained
message in one line. Useful for integration with Microsoft Visual Studio or
other IDE.
Brief. Shows only file names and line numbers - no actual fragment text.
Normal. File names, line numbers, first and last lines
from each found text fragment.
Verbose. Adds list of excluded files and explanation of processing
options to Normal report style.
Full. Shows every possible detail, including full fragment of text
and all line numbers without restrictions.
Fragment's test lines to show in report
Program will include the specified number of test lines from
beginning and end of found fragment into the report. Default value is 4.
Minimal value is 0 and maximal value unlimited.
Wrap long lines at the position
Program will wrap lines longer than the specified size.
Max. number of fragments to show
Maximum number of fragments to show in the report.